Anamaria Prodan a dezvăluit cum a fost ucis tatăl ei, care a lucrat pentru Securitate. Agentul FIFA Anamaria Prodan a rememorat cum a fost ucis tatăl ei, într-un mod tragic, fiind un colaborator al Securității. […] The post Anamaria Prodan: „Tatăl meu a fost securist şi a murit otrăvit”. Adevărul a ieşit la iveală despre cum a fost ucis appeared first on Prosport.
The main conceptual idea is that Anamaria Prodan is claiming that her father, who was a former secret policeman (securist), was murdered by poisoning. She states that the truth about his death has finally come to light.
The main conceptual idea is that Anamaria Prodan is claiming that her father, who was a former secret policeman (securist), was murdered by poisoning. She states that the truth about his death has finally come to light.